Deep Caspian Basin Research: a key to answer long standing questions.
Hamid Lahijani Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра., Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science
Biruni, 973–1050 AD
Agr gard ta gard darya begardi, hich mane to nabashad joz chand rood,
ab-e an talkh ast-o tarik, az an hich bar nayayed joz mahi, bar khalaf-e darya-ye Pars.
Если вы оборачиваетесь вокруг моря, вам нет препятствий, кроме нескольких рек, вода горькая и темная, оно не богато,кроме рыбы, в отличие от Персидского моря.
If you turn around the sea, you have no obstacles except a few rivers. , the water is bitter and dark, it is not rich except fish, unlike the Persian Sea
Translation into modern language:
1) The Caspian is a lake
2) Its water is bitter than marine waters and has lesser transparency (know based on different ionic composition of the Caspian water, conductivity should be calibrated then converted to salinity) 3) Except fish (at that time), it has poor biodiversity compared to the Persian Sea